Lesson from My Own Mom

My Mother’s Day started off as a normal Sunday morning. My 5-year-old asking “Where is Daddy?” My 2-year-old waking up with a poopy diaper and screaming about wanting something to eat.

We finally make it to Church. We finally make it to the end of Church.

We do end up having a blessed day.

In addition to my family, I was blessed to spend time mothering a group of broken teenager girls who need more positive role models. It was special.

I was also blessed to spend time with other Moms who are serving here in a wonderful Bible Study studying the Song of Songs.

I am surrounded by love.

As I lay my head down on my pillow, feeling full, I remember my own mother. My mother who is many thousands of miles away. Praying for me. Supporting me. Never wavering in her love for me. No matter the distance.

I have many memories of my Mom when I was a child. There is one fond memory I cannot forget. When it is rainy season here in Zambia, I remember it and I laugh.

On one of our many road trips, it was raining hard as we were getting out of the car to eat at our favorite fast-food stop, Wendy’s. She carried all of our jackets. As she was so worried to give us our jackets, she was practically running after us. We ran off. We all left her behind. Carrying everything. She didn’t notice.

She was just concerned for us. Watching us. Her eyes on us.

In the midst of that, she tripped on a sidewalk (Sorry Mom!). She fell hard. She was so busy watching us that she never even saw the sidewalk. She was so busy with concern for us that she never was for a moment concerned for herself.

She truly only cared about us. She only wanted to look out for us. She wanted to serve us. Not to be served.

“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28

Can I have that same love? I often feel like a failure as a mother. Not good enough. Not gentle enough. Not loving enough.

My mom is so patient. So sacrificial. So gentle. So humble. Everything I desire. Everything I am not.

So this post is for you, Mom. You are truly a wonderful example. And I pray that I can learn the same. With your prayers, I have hope that I can be that way one day.

We are not perfect. Our own mothers were not perfect. But, we do not have to be perfect. We just have to Love. Sacrificially. Through His Grace.

That is a lesson I can learn from my Mother. One of many lessons!

 Let’s Chat: What lesson can you learn about your mother this Mother’s Day season?